Dr. Holly’s Books

Dr. Holly writes in a layman fashion to be accessible to anyone.
Addresses the Myths and Misconceptions and provides up to date leading research material in a manner that you can understand.
Each book gives an overview of how the system or organ functions, what can go wrong and how to reestablish healthy function.

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The Entwined Collection

I decided to write a health book for people who don’t like to read about health. So I wrote a sexy romantic novel called, Entwined: A Romantic Journey Back Into Health.

I then wrote the sequel to that book and in the sequel I asked everyone in the book to write their own book and came up with books on Politics, History, Romance, Arthritis, Sci-fi, etc. The only criterion was that they were loaded with health information. So now there are another 23 books coming.

Stay tuned as several have already been written and they are in various stages of editing and publishing.

  • Dr Holly: The Ongoing Journey
  • Maria: A Love that Crosses Time
  • John: A Journey through Universes
  • Grandma Mary: Arthritis: Manage it or Eliminate it!!
  • Papa Johnny: The Politics of Medicine: I Never Knew
  • Uncle Dave: When Is Enough Enough?
  • Dr Daniel: Healthilicious: Understanding how & why the recipes bring you back into health

Healthilicious Eating – A Kitchen Conspiracy

A uniquely dierent take on a recipe book.  This book is divided into three sections.  The first part explores foods and why they are a benefit to your body and fun, creative, tasty recipes to utilize them.  The second section explores a variety of health conditions, what foods are required and why
and a number of fun, creative, and tasty recipes to address the disorders.  The third section provides a vast number of fun, creative and tasty recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, appetizers, desserts and drinks that will improve your health no matter what your current health state is.
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For more information visit Dr. Holly’s main webpage
